Annette Angulo
Attorney at Law
PHONE: +58 212-7503000 ext. 275
EMAIL: [email protected]
Annette joined Bolet & Terrero in 2021 to join our team and contribute with the knowledge that, as an Intellectual Property attorney with more than 15 years of experience in the area, she obtained in the coordination and execution of all the procedures related to trademarks, patents and copyrights for clients both in Venezuela and abroad, in one of the specialized law firms in this area in Venezuela. Her practice includes the drafting of various types of contracts in the areas of industrial property and copyright, as well as the design of strategies for the protection and defense of clients’ intangible assets. She is currently a professor of Intellectual and Industrial Property in the Specialization in Corporate Law at the Universidad Metropolitana and of Distinctive Signs in the Specialization in Intellectual Property at the Universidad Monteávila, both in Caracas. She also serves as Secretary of the Venezuelan Association of Industrial Property Agents COVAPI since 2018. She participated in the Technical Roundtable of the Science, Technology and Innovation Commission that was in charge of drafting the Industrial Property Bill presented in the National Assembly in 2019. She has participated in events as a speaker in matters related to intellectual property.
- Attorney at Law, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela (2002).
- Specialist in Intellectual Property, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela (2007).
- Diploma in Intellectual Property, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela (2005).
- Federal District Bar Association (2002).
- Industrial Property Agent (2003).
Memberships & Affiliations
- Trademarks.
- Patents.
- Copyrights.
- Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications.
- Transfers, Changes and Renewals.
- Contracts.
- Mass consumption.
- Food.
- Alcoholic Beverages.
- Pharmaceuticals.
- Banking.
- Technology.
- Spanish.
- English.
- German.